More Babies More Babies

When I walked in the door this evening our house smelled like an old Italian kitchen 🙂 Who needs candles when you have a crock pot?!

Check out these amazing meatballs!!



I grilled up a little zucchini and Hub’s made the whole wheat pasta. One complete meal.


Comfort food done the healthy way 🙂


And this is where I have spent the past 7 days!!! I am working until Thursday and then I am going to enjoy my 4 day weekend in San Fran 🙂


Here are two of my favorite things at my desk . Inspirational page and my money tree!

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Guess who I got to see tonight? Baby Christiano! Yep another baby (Skinny Bride’s Baby).

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I have four more babies to meet this year!!! Beware stay away from the water 😉

Good NIGHT!!


2 responses to “More Babies More Babies”

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