Night at the ER

Morning lovelies 🙂

I am off for my NHS Spa Weekend Retreat!!! Before I go, here is the happenings from last night.

Last week Hubby rolled his ankle pretty bad and it was double the size of his other one so I insisted that we go to the ER at 9pm on a Friday night(what was I thinking?).

Check out the ankle to the left. Way bigger then his right one and this is after three days of icing. I was worried that something might be broken or fractured, there is no harm in checking.

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Good thing they had some decent magazines to look through while we waited for almost 3HOURS!!!!

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I also had an emergency snack in my purse.

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I think it’s funny that we both were wearing our College sweat shirts and looked like complete bums 😉

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I was bored to tears in the patient room!!!! I can’t believe they leave you alone with all this expensive equipment.

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Well at least it was an adventure together. We found out that Hubby has a bad sprain and has to wear a splint for about three weeks. Then he should be all better!! Praise God no break or fracture.


When I woke up this morning I made a simple bowl of Oats. I need to keep light for my intense workouts this morning.


On the list for the morning. 1 hour of kickboxing and then on to Hot Yoga!!! I am also excited, because I am getting new running shoes today 🙂 I start my marathon training this week and my shoes have HAD IT!!! 

Have a terrific Saturday!!!!!!


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