Last night was just what I needed!!

The dance class at my gym was funky and hip. We did  a little salsa and hip hop 😉 I got to act silly and let loose and after the busy week I had this was the perfect way to end it!

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I got to wear this cute little skirt.

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The dance instructor was so fun. I am glad my friend Amy joined me as well. We plan on making this a Friday night tradition and the best part is, there is a Fro-Yo place right next door!

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When I got home I popped open a new bottle of wine, a bottle of Cupcake Merlot.


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This wine is a winner! The sweet plum and cherry fruit really pop out. I also loved that there was very little tannins and it went down very smooth. Hubby stuck with his Mike’s.


I miss our Friday night Pizza making, we must bring this back to the McCormick Household. We made a His and Her pizza. Can you guess what side is mine?

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I love how the mushrooms and spinach get crispy in the oven. I also added green and red peppers, tomatoes, and pizza sauce.


ooo la la!


Bosco was waiting for me to drop something. I might have snuck him a little 😉


The rest of the evening was all about chillaxin.


Plus being silly



It’s what we do best 🙂


This morning I had to wake up early because I have to work, no bueno! It’s raining outside so all I wanted to do is stay warm in bed! When I finally arose from my slumber I made a yummy breakfast.


One Egg and Avocado Sandwich


Well off to work I go friends, see you later!


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