Virtual {Coffee Date}


Friends it’s been awhile since we have had a coffee date (almost three months). So man do we have some catching up to do!

If we were having coffee right now I would tell you that we just launched tickets for our next Refresh Summit and it’s going to be in Redlands California (my home town) and I couldn’t more excited! It will be a little different than the past Refresh Summit’s as it will be a Friday night-Saturday night and we won’t be staying on grounds. But when I sat in the Burrage Mansion, I knew it was exactly where God wanted the next Refresh Summit to be! I hope you all will join us.

If we were having coffee right now I would tell you I can’t believe that today is Ash Wednesday and we are almost 7 weeks into the new year! For Lent, I am giving up all social media channels that are not for my businesses. Snap Chat, Periscope, and Pinterest. Lessening the distractions as much as possible. I am doing ok with my New Year’s goals, but I still need to work on some of them. Like the disconnecting from my phone for certain hours, writing more letters and doing MORE yoga!!! Tomorrow is a new day right?!

If we were having coffee right now I would tell you that I took a new TRX and Spinning teaching job at a local crossfit gym here in town (literally 2 miles from my house) and it has been so amazing! I can’t tell you how much of an answer to prayer this has been. It was hard to step down from teaching at the Kickboxing Studio I have been at for 8 years! I will still sub on occasion and go when I can. My workout schedule is looking a little different these days, I am doing TRX twice a week, spin twice, one run a week, and an occasional crossfit workout here and there. I love mixing it up and having fun doing it! Oh and can I tell you how much I love making SPIN playlists?!!! It’s probably my favorite part about teaching!

If we were having coffee right now I would tell you that I am a little bit addicted to the show Parenthood and I am almost on the last season and can’t wait till it is OVER! There is a part of me that doesn’t even want to watch anymore. This show is so intense, yet captivating. Lots of parts make me want to yell at the characters and I have to remind myself that it’s just a show!!! I need to start watching something funny and fluffy..would love some suggestions?

If we were having coffee right now I would tell you that I started attending a local BSF group on Wednesday mornings and I am LOVING it! BSF is an in-depth, interdenominational Bible study that helps people know God and equips them to effectively serve the Church throughout the world! I have been craving a really good bible study and this has been great and the kids have a lesson too. I am also doing the She Reads Truth study through Lent and it’s going be challenging.

If we were having coffee right now I would tell you that RJ is growing so fast! How is she almost 2 and a 1/2?! She is still not sleeping through the night (it’s a season right?). She learns so many new things everyday and she always surprises me with a new sentence of the day. Two is such a fun a fun age and what they say is true, I am sure it only get’s better and better but I wish it would go much slower!!

If we were having coffee right now I would tell you that I am doing the 24 Day Challenge with some friends and Hubby and we are on day three, feeling great! I needed a little re-start! I feel like January was an extended holiday and didn’t get back to our normal clean eats. It’s only day three, so no major breaks through yet. I also kicked coffee for 10 days so I can get back to my one cup of a day. I had gotten up to three cups a day after the holidays and needed to quit that ASAP!

If we were having coffee right now I would tell you that RJ just woke up from her nap so I gotta run!

Question: How are your New Year Goals going so far? 


3 responses to “Virtual {Coffee Date}”

  1. I’m hooked on Parenthood, too!

    Have you watched Parks & Rec? Very light & very funny!!

  2. Interested in doing the 24 day challenge. Will you share more as the days go on about your results?

  3. I started attending BSF about 3 weeks ago! I’m loving it too! I really needed it, its great. Does that mean you are going through Revelation also? It’s so intense! But so good!